Scenes from the “Warrior” Photo Shoot on the Blackfeet Reservation / Browning, MT
For this shoot I travelled to Browning, Montana to work with a wonderful Blackfeet woman named
Marie Gussman. Marie along with her husband Andrew, Painted their Medicine Hat horse
“Shalish Warrior” for this new art. The Medicine Hat horse is considered to be sacred and to possess
supernatural powers for protection against harm for horse and rider.
Medicine Hats were ridden into battle only by Tribal Chiefs, Medicine Men and Great Warriors.
Marie painted symbols that she had received permission from the tribal leaders to use.
Here Marie is prepared to add the second hand print.
The “horse whisper” Andrew getting “Warrior” to move within the round pen using only body language.
I shot until the sun was getting ready to drop behind the Rockies right out their front door.
This is the view looking West toward Glacier National Park which is about 15 miles away.